NHS 75th celebrations

14 July 2023

Mersey Care celebrates the NHS 75th birthday in aid of staff wellbeing and our NHS heroes

This summer,  the NHS marked 75 years and we celebrated this milestone throughout the Trust by showcasing the best of the NHS. Teams celebrated by hosting tea parties and mini fundraisers to mark the soft launch of our dedicated charity with staff and sharing what the NHS means to them. 

Several events were held across the Trust in support of staff wellbeing, raising funds to support our NHS hero's, one of the charity’s main appeals.

With the constant pressure on NHS staff and the roll-on mental health of those that care for us all year round, the staff wellbeing fund allows us to increase our staff and volunteer support provision and fund things such as intensive psychological support for staff, spaces for exhausted staff to rest during busy shifts, training for volunteers and essential items for those in hardship.