Thank you for Making it Mersey Cares! Together we’ve reached a milestone £10,000 in online donations

15 February 2024

It's been an exciting 12 months for our charity

We are thrilled to announce a significant achievement: our online fundraising efforts have surpassed £10,000! This remarkable milestone was achieved in less than a year, and it's all thanks to the incredible generosity of our supporters and the enthusiasm of those who joined our fundraising challenges. We are deeply grateful for their kindness and brilliant support. 

Over the past year, our charity has been bustling with activity, starting with our inaugural fundraiser in August 2023. A group of 15 dedicated members of staff from Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, along with supportive family and friends, abseiled 150 feet down Liverpool Cathedral, raising an impressive £3,940. These funds are essential in supporting various projects and meeting the needs of our service users, patients, and staff throughout Merseyside and Cheshire. 

Following this successful event, we hosted the Zero Suicides Alliance (ZSA) train-a-thon, an online initiative where 1,300 individuals participated in suicide awareness training to commemorate World Suicide Prevention Day 2023. This event not only raised over £1,500 but also resulted in 93% of participants reporting an enhancement in their knowledge. 

Our journey to reaching the £10,000 milestone didn't stop there. We also supported the BTR Liverpool Santa Dash and received tremendous support from the Knowsley Children in Care team, who participated and fundraised for the challenge. 

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Additional funds were raised through the NHS Big Tea, a celebratory tea party held across the Trust in 2023 to honour the NHS's 75th birthday, as well as through generous donations to our appeals via the Mersey Cares and ZSA websites. These contributions, coupled with the dedication of our supporters and participants, have propelled us toward our fundraising goals and enabled us to make a meaningful impact in our community. 

We'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported us and whose kindness has helped us to do more for a better tomorrow for our colleagues and neighbours. 

Want to help us reach our next milestone? There are plenty of ways you can get involved